Bring yourself to work (e-book)
Leidinggeven is geen sinecure. Dat ondervond ook Timmie de Pooter. Hij runde meer dan 15 jaar een uitzend- en wervingsbedrijf en kon samen met zijn team de omzet verviervoudigen. Tegelijkertijd worstelde hij met zijn rol als leider en het energieverlies dat zijn baan met zich meebracht.
Hij reflecteerde over zijn parcours en kwam sterker terug. Timmie pende zijn inzichten en aanpak neer in het boek ‘Bring yourself to work’. Wil je zelf aan de slag om een betere leider te worden? Ga dan eerst met je binnenwereld aan de slag.
Published in English
Do you struggle with your role as a leader? Does leading a team or organisation leave you drained and without energy? And how can you build an organisation where people love to work and achieve results at the same time?
Timmie de Pooter has run a staffing and recruitment business for over 15 years. Together with his team, he managed to quadruple revenues, build a strong culture, and serve a broad range of customers (both SMEs and corporate). At the same time, he struggled with his role as a leader and the energy drain that came with his job. In this book, he relates how he overcame these struggles. Inside you will find tips on how to become a better leader, successfully lead a team or organisation and build humane organisation that achieves beautiful things. And how leading others can actually become… enjoyable.
This book will help you overcome struggles with yourself and your team. It will teach you how to take care of yourself and gain a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader, how to connect with yourself and your colleagues and how you can lead your team to greater things.
For help in English to buy this book: contact
Why leadership is so hard
Tip #1: Become aware of the inner game
What we mean when we talk about leadership
Tip #2: Find friends to lift the burden
What goes on inside our minds
Tip #3: Find calm in the storm
Tune-in with yourself
Tip #4: Don’t judge a book by its cover
Connecting with your colleague
Tip #5: Have candid conversations
The team: where the magic happens
Tip #6: Show some compassion
The organisation: mirror of the world
Tip #7: Hold space
Embrace the cosmos
Tip #8: Find what nourishes your soul
In a nutshell: eight tips for better leadership
Volledige omschrijving
Leidinggeven is geen sinecure. Dat ondervond ook Timmie de Pooter. Hij runde meer dan 15 jaar een uitzend- en wervingsbedrijf en kon samen met zijn team de omzet verviervoudigen. Tegelijkertijd worstelde hij met zijn rol als leider en het energieverlies dat zijn baan met zich meebracht.
Hij reflecteerde over zijn parcours en kwam sterker terug. Timmie pende zijn inzichten en aanpak neer in het boek ‘Bring yourself to work’. Wil je zelf aan de slag om een betere leider te worden? Ga dan eerst met je binnenwereld aan de slag.
Published in English
Do you struggle with your role as a leader? Does leading a team or organisation leave you drained and without energy? And how can you build an organisation where people love to work and achieve results at the same time?
Timmie de Pooter has run a staffing and recruitment business for over 15 years. Together with his team, he managed to quadruple revenues, build a strong culture, and serve a broad range of customers (both SMEs and corporate). At the same time, he struggled with his role as a leader and the energy drain that came with his job. In this book, he relates how he overcame these struggles. Inside you will find tips on how to become a better leader, successfully lead a team or organisation and build humane organisation that achieves beautiful things. And how leading others can actually become… enjoyable.
This book will help you overcome struggles with yourself and your team. It will teach you how to take care of yourself and gain a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader, how to connect with yourself and your colleagues and how you can lead your team to greater things.
For help in English to buy this book: contact
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