Le Tableau Indicatif 2020 (VOD)

Webinaire sur demande

Des dégâts humains à l'échelle

Le Tableau Indicatif (TI) publié en 2016 par l’Union Royale des Juges de Paix et de Police et l’Association néerlandophone des Magistrats a été révisé durant les années 2020 par un groupe de travail composé de magistrats et de l‘Union Professionnelle de la Magistrature’. La nouvelle édition du tableau indicatif sera présentée lors de plusieurs colloques, un webinaire en juin et deux après-midis d'études en septembre à Liège et Louvain-La-Neuve en collaboration avec die Keure/la Charte.

La présentation du tableau indicatif sera suivie d’exposés donnés par des conférenciers spécialisés en la matière, qui aborderont quelques thèmes essentiels concernant l’évaluation du préjudice corporel.

Tous les participants recevront la nouvelle édition du Tableau Indicatif ainsi que les contributions des conférenciers.

Le programme pour les formations en néerlandais le 3 juin, le 2 septembre et le 16 septembre 2021 peut être demandée via formations@lacharte.be.


Marco Ossena Cantara, Noel Simar, ...
Metasystems (e-book)


Building trustful Partnerships for Growth

In the past 30 years, technology has caused waves of disruptive developments, each crashing onto society and business alike. With the tide building and the pace accelerating, the next wave promises to come in big. These new challenges have a societal and environmental impact, are systemic and increasingly complex.

Our old ways of doing business don’t suffice anymore. Furthermore, the future is too fast and too complex to go at it alone. In the future, competition will happen on the level of ecosystems, not just on the level of companies, products or services.

This book gives companies the tools to build mutually beneficial, equal and sincere partnerships. We call them metasystems. And we believe them to be the most suitable armor for the next decade. Metasystems are built on trust and purpose. The biggest challenge is how to leverage the soft side, the human factor again.

“It’s a pivotal time, both exciting and frightening. By joining forces, we believe businesses can accelerate, innovate and create a desirable future horizon.” - Dado Van Peteghem

“The war of all against all has ended. It’s time to reinstate the essence of business: collaborating to fuel progress and a prosperous future.” - Nils van Dam


van Dam Nils, Van Peteghem Dado


How trust can change the world

In the past 30 years, technology has caused waves of disruptive developments, each crashing onto society and business alike. With the tide building and the pace accelerating, the next wave promises to come in big. These new challenges have a societal and environmental impact, are systemic and increasingly complex.

Our old ways of doing business don’t suffice anymore. Furthermore, the future is too fast and too complex to go at it alone. In the future, competition will happen on the level of ecosystems, not just on the level of companies, products or services.

This book gives companies the tools to build mutually beneficial, equal and sincere partnerships. We call them metasystems. And we believe them to be the most suitable armor for the next decade. Metasystems are built on trust and purpose. The biggest challenge is how to leverage the soft side, the human factor again.

“It’s a pivotal time, both exciting and frightening. By joining forces, we believe businesses can accelerate, innovate and create a desirable future horizon.” - Dado Van Peteghem

“The war of all against all has ended. It’s time to reinstate the essence of business: collaborating to fuel progress and a prosperous future.” - Nils van Dam


van Dam Nils, Van Peteghem Dado

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