Service Management in Healthcare


Service management is a growing field of research. However, pursuing service excellence in healthcare is a difficult balancing act with scarce resources. Bringing together our insights on the functioning of healthcare organisations and our knowledge on service and operations management has led to the theme for this book: ‘Service Management in Healthcare: A Balancing Act’. The book is meant for executives in the healthcare sector who are looking for suggestions on service excellence. It is also a useful handbook for students. Through many practical examples, this book tries to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and daily practice.


De Regge Melissa, Gemmel Paul, ...
100 tools to drive digital transformation


Get your Digital Transformation Right!

Investments in digital transformation tools (DX-tools) will fuel the growth of your organization. For every activity, process or offering, there is a broad range of digital tools to increase performance and accelerate time-to-market. In fact, there is an oversupply of tools and solution.

This book takes on the role of ‘Chief of Tools’ to help you select which digital tools are really interesting for your organization, how they can help you to improve your performance, launch new products and services and; invest smart in the technology that sets you apart. Because the right digital tools in the hands of the right people can make all the difference.

With this in mind, Omar Mohout created the DX toolbox. This book will help you to:

  • DISCOVER an overview of the key digital tools available to your organization.
  • IDENTIFY key solutions to save time and ensure successful execution.
  • GAIN perspective, guidance, insights and inspiration.

 “Competing without the right technology stack is like competing without internet connection.”

Omar Mohout, Partner & Head of Digital at Nova Reperta


Mohout Omar
Bring yourself to work (e-book)


Leidinggeven is geen sinecure. Dat ondervond ook Timmie de Pooter. Hij runde meer dan 15 jaar een uitzend- en wervingsbedrijf en kon samen met zijn team de omzet verviervoudigen. Tegelijkertijd worstelde hij met zijn rol als leider en het energieverlies dat zijn baan met zich meebracht.

Hij reflecteerde over zijn parcours en kwam sterker terug. Timmie pende zijn inzichten en aanpak neer in het boek ‘Bring yourself to work’. Wil je zelf aan de slag om een betere leider te worden? Ga dan eerst met je binnenwereld aan de slag.

Published in English

Do you struggle with your role as a leader? Does leading a team or organisation leave you drained and without energy? And how can you build an organisation where people love to work and achieve results at the same time?

Timmie de Pooter has run a staffing and recruitment business for over 15 years. Together with his team, he managed to quadruple revenues, build a strong culture, and serve a broad range of customers (both SMEs and corporate). At the same time, he struggled with his role as a leader and the energy drain that came with his job. In this book, he relates how he overcame these struggles. Inside you will find tips on how to become a better leader, successfully lead a team or organisation and build  humane organisation that achieves beautiful things. And how leading others can actually become… enjoyable.

This book will help you overcome struggles with yourself and your team. It will teach you how to take care of yourself and gain a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader, how to connect with yourself and your colleagues and how you can lead your team to greater things.

For help in English to buy this book: contact pp@diekeure.be


de Pooter Timmie
Cycles (e-book)


There are lots of books, courses, and videos on innovation. They are fun and usually motivating, but seldom deliver long-term results.

CYCLES is a fun book,  but more importantly, it explains how to innovate at every stage. Consistent winners are idea builders that make good or even mediocre ideas great over time.” With CYCLES you’ll learn by doing how to grow ideas up to 6x faster while cutting risks by over 50%.

This book brings together 4 years of research and the work of 22 innovation experts into a simple system with easy-to-use canvases and tools. The foundation of this system is thinking of idea building as an ongoing process of cycles. Some cycles are short, and some are long. The best cycles include the ABCs of innovation.

A = Align

B = Build ideas

C =Communicate and Check

S =Systematically Improve

This system ties the theories and research from hundreds of books into something easy to understand and something you can do right now.

If you want to be a better innovator, CYCLES will change the way you think about innovation. More importantly, with easy hands-on tools, CYCLES will make it easier to innovate faster while reducing risks.


Cassady Bryan
Hybrid work. A manifesto (e-book)


A little treasure for keeps. Beautifully styled and playfully cunning. A headstrong conviction brought to you with grace and glee.

Author Isabel De Clercq talks to you about Hybrid Work. She speaks out the hope within her. Hope for a better future. The future of the knowledge worker.

Not only does she take you into her own dreams, but also crystallises the future with 7 careful suggestions.

Let yourself be carried away with Isabel’s magnetising prose, sharp pen and refreshing insights.

Isabel hopes you do not read this book in one sitting. Read a suggestion. Close the book. Let the words reverberate.

For help in English to buy this book: contact pp@diekeure.be
Ook verkrijgbaar in Nederlandstalige versie


De Clercq Isabel


There are lots of books, courses, and videos on innovation. They are fun and usually motivating, but seldom deliver long-term results.

CYCLES is a fun book,  but more importantly, it explains how to innovate at every stage. Consistent winners are idea builders that make good or even mediocre ideas great over time.” With CYCLES you’ll learn by doing how to grow ideas up to 6x faster while cutting risks by over 50%.

This book brings together 4 years of research and the work of 22 innovation experts into a simple system with easy-to-use canvases and tools. The foundation of this system is thinking of idea building as an ongoing process of cycles. Some cycles are short, and some are long. The best cycles include the ABCs of innovation.

A = Align

B = Build ideas

C =Communicate and Check

S =Systematically Improve

This system ties the theories and research from hundreds of books into something easy to understand and something you can do right now.

If you want to be a better innovator, CYCLES will change the way you think about innovation. More importantly, with easy hands-on tools, CYCLES will make it easier to innovate faster while reducing risks.


Cassady Bryan
Hybrid Work. A manifesto


A little treasure for keeps. Beautifully styled and playfully cunning. A headstrong conviction brought to you with grace and glee.

Author Isabel De Clercq talks to you about Hybrid Work. She speaks out the hope within her. Hope for a better future. The future of the knowledge worker.

Not only does she take you into her own dreams, but also crystallises the future with 7 careful suggestions.

Let yourself be carried away with Isabel’s magnetising prose, sharp pen and refreshing insights.

Isabel hopes you do not read this book in one sitting. Read a suggestion. Close the book. Let the words reverberate.

For help in English to buy this book: contact pp@diekeure.be
Ook verkrijgbaar in Nederlandstalige versie


De Clercq Isabel
GO! 28 étapes pour développer votre (projet de) start-up (e-book)


Se lancer comme entrepreneur n’a jamais semblé aussi facile que de nos jours. Les moyens de transformer une idée créative en une innovation fulgurante, déployée en l’espace de quelques mois sur l’ensemble de la planète semblent plus abordables que jamais. Chaque jour, les entrepreneurs créent de nouveaux métiers, de nouveaux services pour le bien de tous, en intégrant une approche durable de la gestion des ressources.
Tout cela semble si simple … ou presque. Sur le chemin qui mène au succès, les obstacles sont souvent imprévisibles, souvent incontrôlables. C’est exactement la raison pour laquelle une méthode entrepreneuriale est indispensable : elle donne une structure pour évaluer et résoudre les problèmes d’une manière systématique.
En 28 étapes claires et pratiques, GO! vous aide à réussir votre (projet de) start-up. Vous y trouverez enfin réunis les outils et la méthode qui constitueront les facteurs-clés du succès de votre projet d’entreprise.
Présenté de manière didactique et ludique, GO! est le cadre de réflexion nécessaire pour orienter pas à pas vos actions et vous aider à prendre les bonnes décisions.
À vous d’entreprendre maintenant !


Beeckmans Benjamin, Wattenbergh Bruno, ...
GO! 28 étapes pour développer votre (projet de) start-up


Se lancer comme entrepreneur n’a jamais semblé aussi facile que de nos jours. Les moyens de transformer une idée créative en une innovation fulgurante, déployée en l’espace de quelques mois sur l’ensemble de la planète semblent plus abordables que jamais. Chaque jour, les entrepreneurs créent de nouveaux métiers, de nouveaux services pour le bien de tous, en intégrant une approche durable de la gestion des ressources.
Tout cela semble si simple … ou presque. Sur le chemin qui mène au succès, les obstacles sont souvent imprévisibles, souvent incontrôlables. C’est exactement la raison pour laquelle une méthode entrepreneuriale est indispensable : elle donne une structure pour évaluer et résoudre les problèmes d’une manière systématique.
En 28 étapes claires et pratiques, GO! vous aide à réussir votre (projet de) start-up. Vous y trouverez enfin réunis les outils et la méthode qui constitueront les facteurs-clés du succès de votre projet d’entreprise.
Présenté de manière didactique et ludique, GO! est le cadre de réflexion nécessaire pour orienter pas à pas vos actions et vous aider à prendre les bonnes décisions.
À vous d’entreprendre maintenant !


Beeckmans Benjamin, Wattenbergh Bruno, ...
Nobody knows you (e-book)


The biggest hurdle between you and your plans for growth is this: nobody knows you. This is true if you're a freelancer, an employee, an executive, even a company founder. You may be going all out with your company brand, but you've neglected to hone your own. But the first thing your business needs to grow, is you.

If you feel like there is way more potential than you are currently leveraging, this book is for you. It is for those wanting to scale their business. For those sitting on a   great idea with nowhere to go next. For those experts looking for ways to share the knowledge. For those corporate execs who need to find the next competitive edge. And for those who simply want to find another career path.

It is time your prospects, future customers, investors or employer got to know you. Fix this basic flaw of remaining under the radar. With the insights in this book, you'll set out your strategy and create content. Not just any content, but content that matters. Content that makes you tick and brings you the right contacts. Build your thought leadership and leverage it as a mechanism to scale your business - starting with yourself.


Humblet MIchael
A Financial Guide for Social Entrepreneurs


This book provides what it promises to the reader, i.e. A financial guide for social entrepreneurs. It departs from the challenges that social entrepreneurs face to fund their ventures. We discuss three main challenges in this context:

  1. Access to funding;
  2. Complexity of business models;
  3. Predominant focus on social impact.

This book offers an overview of the different funding possibilities while presenting the main funding actors in Belgium as an illustration. Yet, we think that more is needed to survive the financial wilderness of social entrepreneurship. Therefore, we advise attention to a solid business model, supportive ecosystem, impact measurement and effective communication. The illustrative case studies and the presentation of ecosystem actors that can provide support to social entrepreneurs make this book a quite practical guide. All cases and ecosystem actors presented here come from the Belgian context, which is what we know best. We are confident that this Belgian view can inspire the international community as well. This book could be useful to social entrepreneurs, impact investors, universities, vocational training centers, corporates supporting social entrepreneurs, social impact incubators and accelerators, policymakers or everyone who wants to help a social enterprise in their journey. And please enjoy reading, our societies need more social entrepreneurship!


Bouckaert Maxime, Dentchev Nikolay, ...
A Financial Guide for Social Entrepreneurs (e-book)


This book provides what it promises to the reader, i.e. A financial guide for social entrepreneurs. It departs from the challenges that social entrepreneurs face to fund their ventures. We discuss three main challenges in this context:

  1. Access to funding;
  2. Complexity of business models;
  3. Predominant focus on social impact.

This book offers an overview of the different funding possibilities while presenting the main funding actors in Belgium as an illustration. Yet, we think that more is needed to survive the financial wilderness of social entrepreneurship. Therefore, we advise attention to a solid business model, supportive ecosystem, impact measurement and effective communication. The illustrative case studies and the presentation of ecosystem actors that can provide support to social entrepreneurs make this book a quite practical guide. All cases and ecosystem actors presented here come from the Belgian context, which is what we know best. We are confident that this Belgian view can inspire the international community as well. This book could be useful to social entrepreneurs, impact investors, universities, vocational training centers, corporates supporting social entrepreneurs, social impact incubators and accelerators, policymakers or everyone who wants to help a social enterprise in their journey. And please enjoy reading, our societies need more social entrepreneurship!


Bouckaert Maxime, Dentchev Nikolay, ...
Nobody knows you


The biggest hurdle between you and your plans for growth is this: nobody knows you. This is true if you’re a freelancer, an employee, an executive, even a company founder. You may be going all out with your company brand, but you’ve neglected to hone your own. But the first thing your business needs to grow, is you.
If you feel like there is way more potential than you are currently leveraging, this book is for you. It is for those wanting to scale their business. For those sitting on a great idea with nowhere to go next. For those experts looking for ways to share the knowledge. For those corporate execs who need to find the next competitive edge. And for those who simply want to find another career path.
It is time your prospects, future customers, investors or employer got to know you. Fix this basic flaw of remaining under the radar. With the insights in this book, you’ll set out your strategy and create content. Not just any content, but content that matters. Content that makes you tick and brings you the right contacts. Build your thought leadership and leverage it as a mechanism to scale your business—starting with yourself.


Humblet MIchael
Metasystems (e-book)


Building trustful Partnerships for Growth

In the past 30 years, technology has caused waves of disruptive developments, each crashing onto society and business alike. With the tide building and the pace accelerating, the next wave promises to come in big. These new challenges have a societal and environmental impact, are systemic and increasingly complex.

Our old ways of doing business don’t suffice anymore. Furthermore, the future is too fast and too complex to go at it alone. In the future, competition will happen on the level of ecosystems, not just on the level of companies, products or services.

This book gives companies the tools to build mutually beneficial, equal and sincere partnerships. We call them metasystems. And we believe them to be the most suitable armor for the next decade. Metasystems are built on trust and purpose. The biggest challenge is how to leverage the soft side, the human factor again.

“It’s a pivotal time, both exciting and frightening. By joining forces, we believe businesses can accelerate, innovate and create a desirable future horizon.” - Dado Van Peteghem

“The war of all against all has ended. It’s time to reinstate the essence of business: collaborating to fuel progress and a prosperous future.” - Nils van Dam


van Dam Nils, Van Peteghem Dado
Leaving a legacy (e-book)


Increase your social impact

People want to change things, improve the world. Our mind cannot live without meaning. Just like the body asks for food. We all know that we have the leverage to make things happen. It’s important to know what to do, but it’s even more important to remember why you do what you do. Leaving a legacy is about impact surviving the erosion of time. About scaling and accelerating positive impact. Be ready to get inspired about leaving your own legacy.

How do you leave a legacy? What drives a legacy? How about your legacy statement? And how about growing your impact? Will you choose for scaling up, scaling deep, scaling out, or maybe even scaling down? Get carried away by the impact point of view and discover how you can grow the impact of your organisation too.

This book reveals strategies of a diversity of organisations, from NPO’s over associations, governmental and knowledge institutes to commercial organizations, who succeeded in growing their social impact. Because no matter in what kind of organisation you are spending your days, you too may leave a legacy that has improved our world socially or ecologically.


Mohout Omar, Peeters Kaat
Leaving a legacy


Increase your social impact

People want to change things, improve the world. Our mind cannot live without meaning. Just like the body asks for food. We all know that we have the leverage to make things happen. It’s important to know what to do, but it’s even more important to remember why you do what you do. Leaving a legacy is about impact surviving the erosion of time. About scaling and accelerating positive impact. Be ready to get inspired about leaving your own legacy.

How do you leave a legacy? What drives a legacy? How about your legacy statement? And how about increasing your impact? Will you choose for scaling up, scaling deep, scaling out, or maybe even scaling down? Get carried away by the impact point of view and discover how you can increase the impact of your organisation too.

This book reveals strategies of a diversity of organizations, from NPO’s over associations, governmental and knowledge institutes to commercial organizations, who succeeded in increasing their social impact. Because no matter in what kind of organization you are spending your days, you too may leave a legacy that has improved our world socially or ecologically.


Mohout Omar, Peeters Kaat

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