Krachtige SEO²


Krachtige SEO²: Stap voor stap naar duurzame resultaten

Praktisch handboek voor standvastige organische groei

SEO is still not dead. Nadat Frederik Vermeire in Krachtige SEO doorgedreven SEO-technieken in de spotlight zette, slaat hij nu de handen in elkaar met Marjolein Schollaert voor de opvolger van het boek.

De herwerking benadrukt het belang van mensgerichte SEO en biedt een concreet stappenplan voor elk SEO-project. Je leert onder andere:

  • Waarom een mensgerichte benadering essentieel is voor langdurige SEO-resultaten
  • Hoe je exact elke stap doorloopt voor een sterke SEO-strategie
  • Hoe je je resultaten interpreteert en meeneemt voor optimalisaties


Schollaert Marjolein, Vermeire Frederik
100 tools to drive digital transformation


Get your Digital Transformation Right!

Investments in digital transformation tools (DX-tools) will fuel the growth of your organization. For every activity, process or offering, there is a broad range of digital tools to increase performance and accelerate time-to-market. In fact, there is an oversupply of tools and solution.

This book takes on the role of ‘Chief of Tools’ to help you select which digital tools are really interesting for your organization, how they can help you to improve your performance, launch new products and services and; invest smart in the technology that sets you apart. Because the right digital tools in the hands of the right people can make all the difference.

With this in mind, Omar Mohout created the DX toolbox. This book will help you to:

  • DISCOVER an overview of the key digital tools available to your organization.
  • IDENTIFY key solutions to save time and ensure successful execution.
  • GAIN perspective, guidance, insights and inspiration.

 “Competing without the right technology stack is like competing without internet connection.”

Omar Mohout, Partner & Head of Digital at Nova Reperta


Mohout Omar
100 tools to drive digital transformation


Get your Digital Transformation Right!

Investments in digital transformation tools (DX-tools) will fuel the growth of your organization. For every activity, process or offering, there is a broad range of digital tools to increase performance and accelerate time-to-market. In fact, there is an oversupply of tools and solution.

This book takes on the role of ‘Chief of Tools’ to help you select which digital tools are really interesting for your organization, how they can help you to improve your performance, launch new products and services and; invest smart in the technology that sets you apart. Because the right digital tools in the hands of the right people can make all the difference.

With this in mind, Omar Mohout created the DX toolbox. This book will help you to:

  • DISCOVER an overview of the key digital tools available to your organization.
  • IDENTIFY key solutions to save time and ensure successful execution.
  • GAIN perspective, guidance, insights and inspiration.

 “Competing without the right technology stack is like competing without internet connection.”

Omar Mohout, Partner & Head of Digital at Nova Reperta


Mohout Omar
Nudging & Overtuigen


Nudging won de laatste jaren sterk aan belangstelling. Verschillende overheden en organisaties maken er reeds gebruik van. Maar wat houdt nudging nu concreet in? En hoe kan je het zelf toepassen?

Een ‘nudge’ betekent letterlijk een duwtje geven. Het is een eenvoudige psychologische techniek die ons leidt naar een bepaalde keuze, zonder dat hierbij onze keuzevrijheid wordt afgenomen. Onderzoek laat zien dat nudging een effectieve methode kan zijn voor gedragsverandering. Zo resulteerde het bijvoorbeeld al in gezonder eetgedrag, gemotiveerde werknemers en zelfs meer orgaandonoren. Nudges zijn vaak kleine aanpassingen, maar toch zorgen ze voor een grote impact op ons gedrag.

Dit boek geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste nudgetechnieken en maakt deze herkenbaar aan de hand van meer dan honderd voorbeelden en concrete inzichten. Zowel wetenschappelijke onderzoeken als praktische toepassingen komen aan bod. Je ontdekt dus niet alleen wat nudging inhoudt, maar ook hoe die wordt toegepast in de praktijk en hoe je er zelf mee aan de slag kan.

Omdat de grens tussen nudging en andere vormen van gedragsbeïnvloeding soms dun kan zijn, worden ook enkele bekende overtuigingstechnieken en ethische vraagstukken besproken. Na het lezen van dit boek kan je dus beter verschillende nudgetechnieken en overtuigingspogingen detecteren. De vele voorbeelden en de heldere tekst maken het boek voor iedereen toegankelijk. Er is geen voorkennis vereist.


Van Zandycke Reinout, Wybo Ciska
Nudging & Overtuigen (e-book)


Nudging won de laatste jaren sterk aan belangstelling. Verschillende overheden en organisaties maken er reeds gebruik van. Maar wat houdt nudging nu concreet in? En hoe kan je het zelf toepassen?

Een 'nudge' betekent letterlijk een duwtje geven. Het is een eenvoudige psychologische techniek die ons leidt naar een bepaalde keuze, zonder dat hierbij onze keuzevrijheid wordt afgenomen. Onderzoek laat zien dat nudging een effectieve methode kan zijn voor gedragsverandering. Zo resulteerde het bijvoorbeeld al in gezonder eetgedrag, gemotiveerde werknemers en zelfs meer orgaandonoren. Nudges zijn vaak kleine aanpassingen, maar toch zorgen ze voor een grote impact op ons gedrag.

Dit boek geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste nudgetechnieken en maakt deze herkenbaar aan de hand van meer dan honderd voorbeelden en concrete inzichten. Zowel wetenschappelijke onderzoeken als praktische toepassingen komen aan bod. Je ontdekt dus niet alleen wat nudging inhoudt, maar ook hoe die wordt toegepast in de praktijk en hoe je er zelf mee aan de slag kan.

Omdat de grens tussen nudging en andere vormen van gedragsbeïnvloeding soms dun kan zijn, worden ook enkele bekende overtuigingstechnieken en ethische vraagstukken besproken. Na het lezen van dit boek kan je dus beter verschillende nudgetechnieken en overtuigingspogingen detecteren. De vele voorbeelden en de heldere tekst maken het boek voor iedereen toegankelijk. Er is geen voorkennis vereist.


Van Zandycke Reinout, Wybo Ciska
Nobody knows you


The biggest hurdle between you and your plans for growth is this: nobody knows you. This is true if you’re a freelancer, an employee, an executive, even a company founder. You may be going all out with your company brand, but you’ve neglected to hone your own. But the first thing your business needs to grow, is you.
If you feel like there is way more potential than you are currently leveraging, this book is for you. It is for those wanting to scale their business. For those sitting on a great idea with nowhere to go next. For those experts looking for ways to share the knowledge. For those corporate execs who need to find the next competitive edge. And for those who simply want to find another career path.
It is time your prospects, future customers, investors or employer got to know you. Fix this basic flaw of remaining under the radar. With the insights in this book, you’ll set out your strategy and create content. Not just any content, but content that matters. Content that makes you tick and brings you the right contacts. Build your thought leadership and leverage it as a mechanism to scale your business—starting with yourself.


Humblet MIchael
Metasystems (e-book)


Building trustful Partnerships for Growth

In the past 30 years, technology has caused waves of disruptive developments, each crashing onto society and business alike. With the tide building and the pace accelerating, the next wave promises to come in big. These new challenges have a societal and environmental impact, are systemic and increasingly complex.

Our old ways of doing business don’t suffice anymore. Furthermore, the future is too fast and too complex to go at it alone. In the future, competition will happen on the level of ecosystems, not just on the level of companies, products or services.

This book gives companies the tools to build mutually beneficial, equal and sincere partnerships. We call them metasystems. And we believe them to be the most suitable armor for the next decade. Metasystems are built on trust and purpose. The biggest challenge is how to leverage the soft side, the human factor again.

“It’s a pivotal time, both exciting and frightening. By joining forces, we believe businesses can accelerate, innovate and create a desirable future horizon.” - Dado Van Peteghem

“The war of all against all has ended. It’s time to reinstate the essence of business: collaborating to fuel progress and a prosperous future.” - Nils van Dam


van Dam Nils, Van Peteghem Dado


How trust can change the world

In the past 30 years, technology has caused waves of disruptive developments, each crashing onto society and business alike. With the tide building and the pace accelerating, the next wave promises to come in big. These new challenges have a societal and environmental impact, are systemic and increasingly complex.

Our old ways of doing business don’t suffice anymore. Furthermore, the future is too fast and too complex to go at it alone. In the future, competition will happen on the level of ecosystems, not just on the level of companies, products or services.

This book gives companies the tools to build mutually beneficial, equal and sincere partnerships. We call them metasystems. And we believe them to be the most suitable armor for the next decade. Metasystems are built on trust and purpose. The biggest challenge is how to leverage the soft side, the human factor again.

“It’s a pivotal time, both exciting and frightening. By joining forces, we believe businesses can accelerate, innovate and create a desirable future horizon.” - Dado Van Peteghem

“The war of all against all has ended. It’s time to reinstate the essence of business: collaborating to fuel progress and a prosperous future.” - Nils van Dam


van Dam Nils, Van Peteghem Dado
Innovate. Collaborate. Grow!


Strategies and Best Practices for Corporate Partnering

Bart Vanhaeren – Co-Founder and CEO of InvestSuite
"This book is a gem for any B2B start-up entrepreneur. David succeeds in providing both the bigger picture as well as the really interesting nitty-gritty stuff. The real-life examples are spot on and very insightful. A must-read."

Karen Noël - General Partner, Partech Ventures
“Founders, you have found the only lawyer who will save you a lot of fees! A book to keep throughout the life of your start up! The advice provided is of great value.”

The past ten years are characterized by a strong growth in entrepreneurship and the accelerated creation of new businesses offering innovative products and services.
The focus of this book is on startups and scaleups intending to scale their business through collaboration with corporates, primarily in the capacity of client or venture partner.  No startup or scaleup can go-it-alone entirely and is required to collaborate with other partners to ensure growth.
It is crucial for startups and scaleups to think beyond (corporate) venture capital financings and actively use a vast spectrum of corporate partnering arrangements to scale their business.
This book thus takes an expansive approach and analyzes corporate partnering transactions from a much broader perspective, covering several types of partnering models for collaboration between corporates and startups and scaleups, with a very strong focus on the perspective of the startups and scaleups while engaging in these types of transactions.
Target audience
The main reason for writing this book is to provide strategic, but at the same time practical guidance for the analysis, design, negotiation and implementation of a broad range of corporate partnering transactions.
You should read this book if you are:
• an entrepreneur planning to grow the startup  through the design, adoption and execution of a corporate partnering strategy
• a corporate planning to collaborate with startups and scaleups through different corporate partnering transactions
• an investor desiring to contribute to the growth strategy of portfolio companies through funding and strong partnering expertise
• a transaction professional desiring to learn more about the complexity of corporate partnering transactions
 Peter de Keyzer –Growth Inc
"What do you need to grow your company? A plan, money, ideas, hard work and of course opportunities. Collaboration is not something that automatically springs to mind. However, David Dessers shows that collaboration is an excellent way forward to look for more growth. David has a tremendous amount of experience in facilitating collaboration and partnerships which means he easily takes you through all the steps and pitfalls, opportunities and strategies you need to know about. This book is filled to the brim with new insights, many interesting examples and deserves to be widely read by anyone interested in innovation, co-creation, corporate partnering and profitable growth."
Sven De Cleyn – imec.istart Program Manager
“This book not only gives a comprehensive overview of potential collaborative models that enable startups to scale, but also practical insights and recommendations supporting daily operations. Must-read for founders and managers that seek to engage with partners to scale their business.”
Jürgen Ingels – Serial Entrepreneur
“Reducing time by learning from others is an important success factor for companies in a digital world. This book is a great tool to apply this time reduction law and to learn how to get corporate partnering done in a faster and more efficient way.”


Dessers David
Innovation that sticks (e-book)


How do you innovate, how do you structure your organization, your team, your personal life? You need a detailed plan and everything laid out for the future! Really? Well, maybe not always. Maybe you need to operate also with the Spaghetti Principle.

Discover how you can embrace this special principle and really make innovation stick. Specifically, you will learn how to deal in today’s dynamic and uncertain environment.

With practical examples from leaders and companies you will see how a totally different approach to strategy and innovation can revolutionize your work. With examples from fields as diverse as the Startup world, nature, opera, TED, Lars Sudmann will awaken you to an inspiring and thought-provoking journey of innovation. You will see innovation and experimentation with different eyes after reading this book.

Lars Sudmann has been a CFO and a strategy manager at leading organisations. He is now a corporate advisor, university lecturer and explorer of what makes innovation and change possible.


Sudmann Lars


Decode the data landscape. Reboot your sales and marketing. Prepare for the era of AI

Being obsessed with positive change and ideas can propel us to extraordinary achievements and can be a fantastic positive driver of change.

In the age of AI wired consumers with irrationally high demands, we need to be obsessed with creating smooth, differentiated, relevant, exciting customer experiences and frictionless customer services. Any of those interactions should be driven by customer data – the pulse of every customer’s unique heartbeat, and an organisation that has adopted new methodologies, processes, and technology platforms.

In Obsessed, we demystify the complex world of data and sales and marketing technology. We answer questions like: How do you build a data culture and strategy? How can you be more intentional about the technology foundation you choose to improve your marketing and sales engine across the customer lifecycle. How do you create an obsession for the right metrics that focus on value? How do you infuse Artifical Intelligence capabilities into your organization? Can you see GDPR as an enabler?

Finally, we need a cultural paradigm shift in dealing with marketing technology and applying it to marketing and sales scenarios. An obsession with long-term thinking and customer relationships based on value rather than short-term. And that’s when you truly start rebooting your revenue engine.


Bresseel Marc, van Hove Renout
Obsessed. Decoding the data landscape (e-book)


Decode the data landscape. Reboot your sales and marketing. Prepare for the era of AI

Being obsessed with positive change and ideas can propel us to extraordinary achievements and can be a fantastic positive driver of change.

In the age of AI wired consumers with irrationally high demands, we need to be obsessed with creating smooth, differentiated, relevant, exciting customer experiences and frictionless customer services. Any of those interactions should be driven by customer data - the pulse of every customer’s unique heartbeat, and an organisation that has adopted new methodologies, processes, and technology platforms.

In Obsessed, we demystify the complex world of data and sales and marketing technology. We answer questions like: How do you build a data culture and strategy? How can you be more intentional about the technology foundation you choose to improve your marketing and sales engine across the customer lifecycle. How do you create an obsession for the right metrics that focus on value? How do you infuse Artifical Intelligence capabilities into your organization? Can you see GDPR as an enabler?

Finally, we need a cultural paradigm shift in dealing with marketing technology and applying it to marketing and sales scenarios. An obsession with long term thinking and customer relationships based on value rather than short term. And that’s when you truly start rebooting your revenue engine.


Bresseel Marc, van Hove Renout
The State of the Union


Duval Union is a collaborative and cooperative business consulting, marketing and communications ecosystem that combines the know-how of seasoned marketing services agencies with the ambition of young marketing technology start-ups to fix business & marketing issues of companies. An agent of change that helps brands and corporations to enter the new normal of constant innovation & disruption.

This book gives you an insight in the specific ecosystem of Duval Union.


Duval Union
Innovation that sticks


How do you innovate, how do you structure your organization, your team, your personal life? You need a detailed plan and everything laid out for the future! Really? Well, maybe not always. Maybe you need to operate also with the Spaghetti Principle.

Discover how you can embrace this special principle and really make innovation stick. Specifically, you will learn how to deal in today’s dynamic and uncertain environment.

With practical examples from leaders and companies you will see how a totally different approach to strategy and innovation can revolutionize your work. With examples from fields as diverse as the Startup world, nature, opera, TED, Lars Sudmann will awaken you to an inspiring and thought-provoking journey of innovation. You will see innovation and experimentation with different eyes after reading this book.

Lars Sudmann has been a CFO and a strategy manager at leading organisations. He is now a corporate advisor, university lecturer and explorer of what makes innovation and change possible.


Sudmann Lars
De smid, de geit en de Koning. Een sales- en marketingsprookje


Er was eens een ondernemer die z’n eigen zaak startte. De volgende ochtend stroomden de klanten vanzelf toe. Rijen dik stonden ze. Zonder dat hij één klap moest uitvoeren. En hij ondernam nog lang en gelukkig. Einde.

Bullshit! De realiteit is een pak minder sprookjesachtig. Ondernemen is keihard werken en als je het verkeerd aanpakt, verkoop je geen sikkepit. Maar hoe krijg je klanten dan zover om met jou in zee te gaan? Eigenlijk moet je maar drie zaken weten. Welke? Dat lees je in het grappigste managementboek van het jaar. Mét een verhaal én heerlijk helder advies om je nog lang, gelukkig en succesvol te laten ondernemen. En da’s geen sprookje.


Clijsters Hans
Stand up to stand out


Expressing yourself in a powerful way is not a gift, it’s a choice.
Are you tired of bumping into corporate walls? Not getting the budget, job or promotion that you want? Are you fed up with other people always being heard, while your ideas are being ignored? Are you struggling to network and pitch your business? Is a dry mouth and shaky voice the only thing you associate with speaking in front of a group? Do you just freeze when someone is giving you a hard time in a meeting and tries to take over?
If the answer is yes, then it’s time for you to STAND UP.
Everybody can learn to express themselves in a powerful way. No matter what other people claim. It’s not a gift, it’s a choice. Inspiring and convincing people to take action on your ideas starts with you, your story and how you bring it. This book will show you exactly how to do that.
Follow the five steps and discover how to:

  • raise your energy and credibility
  • earn attention and trust
  • take people into your world
  • become the solution
  • trigger action

After reading this book, you will positively STAND OUT in any situation. Because standing up is the only way you can stand out in life and business.

Let’s inspire action!


Vandebroek Marnick

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