Lean Smarketing - An introduction to the integration of marketing and sales


Pocket book to boost your business

How to put the ‘S’(ales) in smarketing

Companies who have integrated sales and marketing (smarketing) in one team and approach, show an increase in revenue. This is even without changing the initial tactics, only by better aligning their actions.

The goal of this booklet is to provide an introduction to smarketing and to work out some new tactics, based on growth hacking, in implementing a smarketing approach.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you afraid that new innovative companies will take away your business with a disruptive customer acquisition strategy?
  • Did you see a decrease in effectiveness of your current sales or customer acquisition strategy?
  • Is your company struggling with its first and second steps on social media? Or are you quite active online, but not really generating the expected additional revenue?
  • Have you noticed that some marketing actions are able to generate a lot of interest and engagement, but you don't have a clue how to replicate this result?
  • Are your marketing and sales departments not teaming up, acting together and therefore not reaching their full potential?
  • Do you have the impression that sales and marketing are separate businesses?
  • Have you heard of growth hacking? If so, do you believe it is a marketing technique only for technology startups?

Did you answer yes to any of the questions above? Then you're on the right track, as this booklet will provide you with some new and valuable insights and countless tips and tricks to attract more business.




Van Riet Nikolaas
Lean smarketing (e-book)


Pocket book to boost your business

How to put the ‘S’(ales) in smarketing

Companies who have integrated sales and marketing (smarketing) in one team and approach, show an increase in revenue. This is even without changing the initial tactics, only by better aligning their actions.

The goal of this booklet is to provide an introduction to smarketing and to work out some new tactics, based on growth hacking, in implementing a smarketing approach.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you afraid that new innovative companies will take away your business with a disruptive customer acquisition strategy?
  • Did you see a decrease in effectiveness of your current sales or customer acquisition strategy?
  • Is your company struggling with its first and second steps on social media? Or are you quite active online, but not really generating the expected additional revenue?
  • Have you noticed that some marketing actions are able to generate a lot of interest and engagement, but you don't have a clue how to replicate this result?
  • Are your marketing and sales departments not teaming up, acting together and therefore not reaching their full potential?
  • Do you have the impression that sales and marketing are separate businesses?
  • Have you heard of growth hacking? If so, do you believe it is a marketing technique only for technology startups?

Did you answer yes to any of the questions above? Then you're on the right track, as this booklet will provide you with some new and valuable insights and countless tips and tricks to attract more business.


Van Riet Nikolaas
Au secours ! Une crise


Au moment où une crise se déroule, la collaboration est cruciale. Voilà pourquoi il est important que tout le monde connaisse bien le processus à suivre. À ce sujet, le modèle IBOBBO sert de guide.

Ce modèle dirige tous ceux concernés par la gestion de crise à travers de six phases nécessaires pour efficacement faire face à une crise: la collecte d’informations, la représentation de la situation, la formation d’un jugement, la prise de décision, le commandement et le suivi.

Comment le fait-on en pratique ? Les auteurs vous expliquent dans ‘Au secours ! Une crise’. Pas à pas et à l’aide d’exemples concrets, vous apprendrez ce que vous devez faire dans chaque phase.

Vivement recommandé à tous ceux qui s’occupent de la planification d’urgence et qui veulent pouvoir faire face aux crises de manière politique, stratégique ou opérationnelle.


Bruelemans Bart, Brugghemans Bert, ...
Les services publics locaux au cœur de l'effervescence sociétale


Le grand philosophe français du XVII ème siècle René Descartes évoquait déjà l’importance de bien penser pour agir mieux. Or, dans notre société hyper-agitée, les agents du service public local - comme tellement d’autres professionnels - prennent de plus en plus rarement le temps de réfléchir au sens des tâches qu’ils accomplissent quotidiennement.

C’est d’autant plus dommage qu’ils sont les dépositaires de très belles valeurs, parmi lesquelles l’altruisme et la solidarité. De très belles valeurs assurément, même s’il faut bien reconnaître qu’elles ont  parfois été mal vendues au cours des dernières décennies.

Comme il le fait dans le cadre de ses formations, l’auteur a essayé de renouer avec les  fondamentaux de ce beau métier qui consiste à servir l’intérêt général. Beau mais malaisé  parce que de plus en plus souvent confronté aux inquiétantes dérives de la citoyenneté moderne : un égocentrisme parfois exacerbé,  une tendance  à saisir les cours et tribunaux à la moindre contrariété, une propension à faire appel à la presse ou à entretenir l’agitation sur les réseaux sociaux…

Le défi est exigeant mais enthousiasmant : réfléchir pour donner du sens et donner du sens  pour améliorer la qualité du service public de proximité.


Coenen Alain
Game changing innovation (e-book)


Nowadays every company (corporates, startups and scaleups) wants to make products that sell. Through innovation and creativity we want to make the best products, but often with varying degrees of success. Nevertheless, with some simple techniques and strategies one can significantly increase the probability and size of success of his product or service.

Based on 20 years of hands-on experience at Barco nv (ClickShare and Virtual Reality within Barco), Yoav Nir explains these concrete techniques and strategies. The methodology that the author brings is, with the book as a guide and more than 80 tips, quickly useful in practice. The theory is supplemented with many cases. It is primarily a “how to” book and a lesson learned, based on in-depth analysis and reflection. As a result, it’s an inspiring complement to existing international reference works (Osterwalder, Ries,...).

The book focuses on both startups and scaleups, as well as on larger corporates where entrepreneurship can lead to new, innovative products and services.


Nir Yoav
Le leadership durable (e-book)


Les dirigeants réussis basent leur leadership sur leur style personnel. En restant fidèles à eux-mêmes, ils vont chercher un contexte dans lequel leur personnalité peut contribuer à la solution.

Ce livre vous procure les ingrédients qui vous aident à diriger d’une manière durable dans un monde en perpétuel changement. La recette ? Mieux vaut la composer vousmême. C’est que le leadership ne s’apprend pas en classe ou d’un livre. Un leader réussi possède tout un amalgame de compétences qui se développent au fil du temps et qu’il s’est approprié en commettant des erreurs et en apprenant des situations auxquelles il a dû faire face.

David Ducheyne a écrit ce livre pour ceux qui sont à la recherche de l’inspiration qui façonnera leur leadership. Il incarne également l’ambition de mieux faire les choses.

Dans sa capacité de psychologue de travail et d’organisations, David a accumulé plus de 20 années d’expérience professionnelle pendant lesquelles il a accompagné et guidé des dirigeants au sein d’Alcatel, de l’Université de Gand, de Henkel, de Case New Holland et de Securex. Il est également orateur principal et un blogueur passionné.


Ducheyne David


You can also order this book by mail.

Lean Pricing is a practical toolkit that will positively influence your pricing strategy, revealing insights in the different pricing methods and tactics used by successful companies. You will discover a great number of case studies where these methods are successfully applied which will help you set-up or optimize your current pricing strategy.

This book will answer the following key questions:

  • What price can you ask?
  • What pricing strategy will you adopt?

Whether you launched a startup or work for a big tech company is not important. As long as you believe that pricing plays a key role in your success, this book will provide the guidance, insights and inspiration you need.

Lean Pricing is part of the Lean series, a series of books tackling the challenges that technology entrepreneurs and companies are facing. Other publications include Lean Marketing (not yet released).

Omar Mohout is a Growth Engineer. He is an expert in building repeatable, scalable customer acquisition engines for born-on-the-web companies. Omar is an entrepreneur that turned startup advisor & mentor.


Mohout Omar


Lean Pricing is a practical toolkit that will positively influence your pricing strategy, revealing insights in the different pricing methods and tactics used by successful companies. You will discover a great number of case studies where these methods are successfully applied which will help you set-up or optimize your current pricing strategy.

This book will answer the following key questions:

  • What price can you ask?
  • What pricing strategy will you adopt?

Whether you launched a startup or work for a big tech company is not important. As long as you believe that pricing plays a key role in your success, this book will provide the guidance, insights and inspiration you need.

Lean Pricing is part of the Lean series, a series of books tackling the challenges that technology entrepreneurs and companies are facing. Other publications include Lean Marketing (not yet released).

Omar Mohout is a Growth Engineer. He is an expert in building repeatable, scalable customer acquisition engines for born-on-the-web companies. Omar is an entrepreneur that turned startup advisor & mentor.

Zo bepaal je de juiste prijs voor jouw product
Sprout, november 2015 (klik hier om te lezen)



Mohout Omar
Building Bridges


“For European Public Employment Services business will never be ‘business as usual’ anymore. As recent years painfully made clear, rapid and massive changes are increasingly occurring on the labour market. Moreover, the social function of Public Employment Services is changing. Today, they have to transform into ‘work-focused gateways to welfare systems’”. PES 2020 Strategy Output Paper

Public Employment Services
This pathbreaking volume offers a thorough and nuanced picture of the intended strategic reorientation laid down in the common strategy endorsed by all European Public Employment Services in order to contribute to the overall EU 2020 Strategy. Starting from the importance of Transitional Labour Market theory for employment services, it highlights the challenges and describes the changes in the role and function of Public Employment Services. It discusses the strategic capabilities that Public Employment Services need to acquire in order to reinvent themselves.

Building bridges
Presented in a professional-friendly way, ‘Building Bridges’ also helps to unravel Public Employment Services’ starting points and gaps that need to be bridged. It advocates connecting and being connected with all stakeholders, actors, job-seekers and employers within the labour market ecosystem.

Theory and practice
Written from the perspective of policy makers and academic researchers, it manages to be highly relevant to practitioners working in or engaged with Public Employment Services, as well as academics and students of labour economics, social policy and public administration.


Fons Leroy, Ludo Struyven
Happy RH


Le bonheur, ça paye !
En lisant ces mots, ne balayez pas les lieux du regard en quête d'une caméra cachée prête à fixer votre mine dubitative. Cet ouvrage ne relève ni du gag ni de l'utopie et encore moins de la provocation marketing pour appâter le lecteur. Non, Laurence Vanhée nous démontre juste que rechercher le bonheur des collaborateurs profite à toute organisation immensément plus que l'exploitation désenchantée des seules ressources humaines.

Le bonheur : ingrédients et recette.
Exemples et chiffres à l'appui, la "DRH de l'année 2012" nous démontre que le bonheur rapporte... en milliers et même en millions d'euros. Forte des résultats obtenus dans sa propre administration, la première Chief Happiness Officer de Belgique nous délivre les secrets des précurseurs. A chacun de se les approprier : patron, directeur, leader, manager ou collaborateur de toute organisation, quels que soient son secteur d'activité et sa taille.

Le bonheur : près de chez vous
Au final, Laurence Vanhée nous lance un sympathique "et maintenant, à qui le tour? La lecture du guide pratique Happy RH - le bonheur au travail, rentable et durable" constitue sans nul doute la première bonne étape sur la route de la performance et du bonheur professionnels. De plus en plus de décideurs l'ont compris et empruntent chaque jour cette nouvelle voie. Elle n'attend plus que vous. Alors, partant ?

Références: Interview avec Laurence Vanhée 



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