Bring yourself to work (e-book)


Leidinggeven is geen sinecure. Dat ondervond ook Timmie de Pooter. Hij runde meer dan 15 jaar een uitzend- en wervingsbedrijf en kon samen met zijn team de omzet verviervoudigen. Tegelijkertijd worstelde hij met zijn rol als leider en het energieverlies dat zijn baan met zich meebracht.

Hij reflecteerde over zijn parcours en kwam sterker terug. Timmie pende zijn inzichten en aanpak neer in het boek ‘Bring yourself to work’. Wil je zelf aan de slag om een betere leider te worden? Ga dan eerst met je binnenwereld aan de slag.

Published in English

Do you struggle with your role as a leader? Does leading a team or organisation leave you drained and without energy? And how can you build an organisation where people love to work and achieve results at the same time?

Timmie de Pooter has run a staffing and recruitment business for over 15 years. Together with his team, he managed to quadruple revenues, build a strong culture, and serve a broad range of customers (both SMEs and corporate). At the same time, he struggled with his role as a leader and the energy drain that came with his job. In this book, he relates how he overcame these struggles. Inside you will find tips on how to become a better leader, successfully lead a team or organisation and build  humane organisation that achieves beautiful things. And how leading others can actually become… enjoyable.

This book will help you overcome struggles with yourself and your team. It will teach you how to take care of yourself and gain a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader, how to connect with yourself and your colleagues and how you can lead your team to greater things.

For help in English to buy this book: contact pp@diekeure.be


de Pooter Timmie
Bring yourself to work


Do you struggle with your role as a leader? Does leading a team or organisation leave you drained and without energy? And how can you build an organisation where people love to work and achieve results at the same time?

Timmie de Pooter has run a staffing and recruitment business for over 15 years. Together with his team, he managed to quadruple revenues, build a strong culture, and serve a broad range of customers (both SMEs and corporate). At the same time, he struggled with his role as a leader and the energy drain that came with his job. In this book, he relates how he overcame these struggles. Inside you will find tips on how to become a better leader, successfully lead a team or organisation and build  humane organisation that achieves beautiful things. And how leading others can actually become… enjoyable.

This book will help you overcome struggles with yourself and your team. It will teach you how to take care of yourself and gain a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader, how to connect with yourself and your colleagues and how you can lead your team to greater things.

For help in English to buy this book: contact pp@diekeure.be


de Pooter Timmie
Nobody knows you


The biggest hurdle between you and your plans for growth is this: nobody knows you. This is true if you’re a freelancer, an employee, an executive, even a company founder. You may be going all out with your company brand, but you’ve neglected to hone your own. But the first thing your business needs to grow, is you.
If you feel like there is way more potential than you are currently leveraging, this book is for you. It is for those wanting to scale their business. For those sitting on a great idea with nowhere to go next. For those experts looking for ways to share the knowledge. For those corporate execs who need to find the next competitive edge. And for those who simply want to find another career path.
It is time your prospects, future customers, investors or employer got to know you. Fix this basic flaw of remaining under the radar. With the insights in this book, you’ll set out your strategy and create content. Not just any content, but content that matters. Content that makes you tick and brings you the right contacts. Build your thought leadership and leverage it as a mechanism to scale your business—starting with yourself.


Humblet MIchael
Leaving a legacy (e-book)


Increase your social impact

People want to change things, improve the world. Our mind cannot live without meaning. Just like the body asks for food. We all know that we have the leverage to make things happen. It’s important to know what to do, but it’s even more important to remember why you do what you do. Leaving a legacy is about impact surviving the erosion of time. About scaling and accelerating positive impact. Be ready to get inspired about leaving your own legacy.

How do you leave a legacy? What drives a legacy? How about your legacy statement? And how about growing your impact? Will you choose for scaling up, scaling deep, scaling out, or maybe even scaling down? Get carried away by the impact point of view and discover how you can grow the impact of your organisation too.

This book reveals strategies of a diversity of organisations, from NPO’s over associations, governmental and knowledge institutes to commercial organizations, who succeeded in growing their social impact. Because no matter in what kind of organisation you are spending your days, you too may leave a legacy that has improved our world socially or ecologically.


Mohout Omar, Peeters Kaat
Leaving a legacy


Increase your social impact

People want to change things, improve the world. Our mind cannot live without meaning. Just like the body asks for food. We all know that we have the leverage to make things happen. It’s important to know what to do, but it’s even more important to remember why you do what you do. Leaving a legacy is about impact surviving the erosion of time. About scaling and accelerating positive impact. Be ready to get inspired about leaving your own legacy.

How do you leave a legacy? What drives a legacy? How about your legacy statement? And how about increasing your impact? Will you choose for scaling up, scaling deep, scaling out, or maybe even scaling down? Get carried away by the impact point of view and discover how you can increase the impact of your organisation too.

This book reveals strategies of a diversity of organizations, from NPO’s over associations, governmental and knowledge institutes to commercial organizations, who succeeded in increasing their social impact. Because no matter in what kind of organization you are spending your days, you too may leave a legacy that has improved our world socially or ecologically.


Mohout Omar, Peeters Kaat
Innovation that sticks (e-book)


How do you innovate, how do you structure your organization, your team, your personal life? You need a detailed plan and everything laid out for the future! Really? Well, maybe not always. Maybe you need to operate also with the Spaghetti Principle.

Discover how you can embrace this special principle and really make innovation stick. Specifically, you will learn how to deal in today’s dynamic and uncertain environment.

With practical examples from leaders and companies you will see how a totally different approach to strategy and innovation can revolutionize your work. With examples from fields as diverse as the Startup world, nature, opera, TED, Lars Sudmann will awaken you to an inspiring and thought-provoking journey of innovation. You will see innovation and experimentation with different eyes after reading this book.

Lars Sudmann has been a CFO and a strategy manager at leading organisations. He is now a corporate advisor, university lecturer and explorer of what makes innovation and change possible.


Sudmann Lars
Innovation that sticks


How do you innovate, how do you structure your organization, your team, your personal life? You need a detailed plan and everything laid out for the future! Really? Well, maybe not always. Maybe you need to operate also with the Spaghetti Principle.

Discover how you can embrace this special principle and really make innovation stick. Specifically, you will learn how to deal in today’s dynamic and uncertain environment.

With practical examples from leaders and companies you will see how a totally different approach to strategy and innovation can revolutionize your work. With examples from fields as diverse as the Startup world, nature, opera, TED, Lars Sudmann will awaken you to an inspiring and thought-provoking journey of innovation. You will see innovation and experimentation with different eyes after reading this book.

Lars Sudmann has been a CFO and a strategy manager at leading organisations. He is now a corporate advisor, university lecturer and explorer of what makes innovation and change possible.


Sudmann Lars
Stand up to stand out


Expressing yourself in a powerful way is not a gift, it’s a choice.
Are you tired of bumping into corporate walls? Not getting the budget, job or promotion that you want? Are you fed up with other people always being heard, while your ideas are being ignored? Are you struggling to network and pitch your business? Is a dry mouth and shaky voice the only thing you associate with speaking in front of a group? Do you just freeze when someone is giving you a hard time in a meeting and tries to take over?
If the answer is yes, then it’s time for you to STAND UP.
Everybody can learn to express themselves in a powerful way. No matter what other people claim. It’s not a gift, it’s a choice. Inspiring and convincing people to take action on your ideas starts with you, your story and how you bring it. This book will show you exactly how to do that.
Follow the five steps and discover how to:

  • raise your energy and credibility
  • earn attention and trust
  • take people into your world
  • become the solution
  • trigger action

After reading this book, you will positively STAND OUT in any situation. Because standing up is the only way you can stand out in life and business.

Let’s inspire action!


Vandebroek Marnick
Stand up to Stand out (e-book)


Expressing yourself in a powerful way is not a gift, it’s a choice.
Are you tired of bumping into corporate walls? Not getting the budget, job or promotion that you want? Are you fed up with other people always being heard, while your ideas are being ignored? Are you struggling to network and pitch your business? Is a dry mouth and shaky voice the only thing you associate with speaking in front of a group? Do you just freeze when someone is giving you a hard time in a meeting and tries to take over?
If the answer is yes, then it’s time for you to STAND UP.
Everybody can learn to express themselves in a powerful way. No matter what other people claim. It’s not a gift, it’s a choice. Inspiring and convincing people to take action on your ideas starts with you, your story and how you bring it. This book will show you exactly how to do that.
Follow the five steps and discover how to:

  • raise your energy and credibility
  • earn attention and trust
  • take people into your world
  • become the solution
  • trigger action

After reading this book, you will positively STAND OUT in any situation. Because standing up is the only way you can stand out in life and business.

Let’s inspire action!


Vandebroek Marnick
Manuel pratique pour le secouriste industriel


Premiers secours pour les entreprises

Que faire si votre collègue est percuté par un chariot élévateur ? Ou si un membre du laboratoire se brûle à la suite d’un contact avec un agent chimique ? Quelqu’un dans votre entreprise sait-il comment réagir lorsqu’un employé ou un visiteur a un malaise ?

Être en mesure de fournir les premiers soins de manière adéquate et efficace avec ce type d’incidents peut faire la différence. Ce livre contient les réponses pratiques aux maladies et aux traumatismes urgents les plus courants, qui peuvent se produire sur le lieu de travail et qui sont également décrits dans la législation actuelle.


Brion Thierry, Marbais Michaël
Pack promo guide du mémoire + 10 règles pour réussir un examen


Le Guide Pratique du Mémoire et autres TFE et les Dix Règles pour réussir un examen constituent, à eux deux, le remède parfait, à prescrire à tous les étudiants anxieux à l’approche d’un examen, de la rédaction et de la soutenance d’un mémoire ou d’une thèse.

À travers des conseils aussi pratiques que concrets, tant sur le rendu du travail que dans la préparation psycho-somatique de l’élève, ces deux ouvrages vous donne les clefs pour surpasser vos angoisses, mettre le stress de coté et vous redonner confiance durant ces périodes d’appréhension.

Il était donc naturel que La Charte vous propose une offre exceptionnelle et éphémère pour ces deux ouvrages qui n’ont qu’un seul objectif : votre réussite !

Bruno Bonnechère
Assistant à la Faculté de Médecine de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles depuis 2011, Bruno Bonnechère partage son temps entre la recherche, l’encadrement des mémoires et l’enseignement de l’Anatomie.

Éric Bouancheaux Zuckermandl
Professionnel de la publicité, depuis 2003 chargé de cours puis maître de conférences associé à l’IUT Paris Descartes, Eric Bouancheaux Zuckermandl enseigne la communication interpersonnelle et la prise de parole en public.


Bonnechère Bruno, Bouancheaux Zuckermandl Eric
Empowering Outperformance (e-book)


“A contemporary strategy for grand goal achievement”

This book is not meant to come up with the typical ten point plan that you find in the plethora of books on “how to…” or “finding the shortcut to…”. It is simply not realistic to impose the one and only way to become a performance beast. We cannot be made immune to personal emotions and our brains work in a very unique way and therefore it seems illogical to accept the restrictions of such ten-point-plans. Dixie Dansercoer surely does not want to preach, generalise or standardise training methods to manipulate people into becoming high performers. Our brains may be trained just like muscles, but people cannot be as easily manipulated as flesh and bones.

The goal is to provide the reader with inspirational insights with respect to high performance, provide him/her with practical guidelines and stories to be read and shared without drowning in all-too-academic theories. The red line of polar exploration allows the author to write from the heart with accounts of his direct experiences. When confronted with the monotony of infinite white, wide-open spaces, one cannot but study the mental and psychological impact of these ambitious expeditions.

Do you have the dedication, discipline and concentration to finish what you set out to do? To be a high performer?

> Get inspired by this free chapter


Dansercoer Dixie
Empowering Outperformance


“A contemporary strategy for grand goal achievement”

This book is not meant to come up with the typical ten point plan that you find in the plethora of books on “how to…” or “finding the shortcut to…”. It is simply not realistic to impose the one and only way to become a performance beast. We cannot be made immune to personal emotions and our brains work in a very unique way and therefore it seems illogical to accept the restrictions of such ten-point-plans. Dixie Dansercoer surely does not want to preach, generalise or standardise training methods to manipulate people into becoming high performers. Our brains may be trained just like muscles, but people cannot be as easily manipulated as flesh and bones.

The goal is to provide the reader with inspirational insights with respect to high performance, provide him/her with practical guidelines and stories to be read and shared without drowning in all-too-academic theories. The red line of polar exploration allows the author to write from the heart with accounts of his direct experiences. When confronted with the monotony of infinite white, wide-open spaces, one cannot but study the mental and psychological impact of these ambitious expeditions.

Do you have the dedication, discipline and concentration to finish what you set out to do? To be a high performer?

> Get inspired by this free chapter


Dansercoer Dixie
Social Technologies in Business (e-book)


Social technologies in business
Connect | Share | Lead

Do you want to discover how social technologies transform individuals and organisations? Are you looking for hands-on tips on how to implement this technology? Are you ready to steal ideas from the very people who succeeded? Then this book is exactly what you need.

  • 15 authors from across the globe share their experiences, successes and failures.
  • From the more philosophical matters, and tool-related questions, right across to concrete cases and “how to” tips: this book is a one-stop shop.
  • It’s a handbook: pick a chapter at random and enjoy.


Bryant Lee, Corbet Damian, ...
Social technologies in business


Social technologies in business
Connect | Share | Lead

Do you want to discover how social technologies transform individuals and organisations? Are you looking for hands-on tips on how to implement this technology? Are you ready to steal ideas from the very people who succeeded? Then this book is exactly what you need.

  • 15 authors from across the globe share their experiences, successes and failures.
  • From the more philosophical matters, and tool-related questions, right across to concrete cases and “how to” tips: this book is a one-stop shop.
  • It’s a handbook: pick a chapter at random and enjoy.


Bryant Lee, Corbet Damian, ...
Sustainable leadership


Leadership has never been as difficult as it is today. And it has never been as crucial. In this VUCA world people ask leaders to provide certainty. They cannot. In the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world certainty comes from character. Leaders can base their leadership on empathy, fairness, kindness and reciprocity. These basic human elements are under pressure. This book provides both emerging and established leaders with the ingredients they need to develop a sustainable leadership style.

David Ducheyne wrote this book as a source of inspiration for leaders who are looking for ways to maintain their leadership in VUCA times. It’s also a documented intention to try and do better.


Ducheyne David

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