How many trees perish to make a book?
Whenever a book is printed, a forest perishes: it’s an impression that’s alive and well amongst a significant number of people. In times when sustainability is high on the agenda — and rightly so — paper increasingly suffers a poor reputation. But should it? Exactly how sustainable can paper be? Allow us to make the case for paper in ten questions and answers.
- Which resources do you need to produce paper?
- Which wood does paper production use?
- How much wood is felled to produce a book?
- What does the paper production process look like?
- How sustainable is the production process?
- What is the paper industry doing to improve sustainability?
- What about recycling?
- Why can’t we use recycled paper only?
- Does the paper die Keure uses originate from sustainably managed forests?
- Conclusion: how sustainable is a book?
- Marc Mombaerts & Misjel Vossen. 2012. Goed voor Druk. Academia Press.